
The Most Surprising Thing You’re Doing Wrong with Your Skin Care

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According to one of my favorite life advisors of all time, Mr. Dale Carnegie, a person is never to tell others they are doing something wrong.  Maybe that is the case, but when the improvement of skin care is on the line, I say a woman has to get her priorities straight.

Here’s the deal:  Most people apply skin care products by applying them to their cheeks first, then rubbing in circular motions outward.  However, the majority of sun damage becomes visible on the center of the face — most particularly the nose, lower forehead, and cheeks — as one ages.  With that said, you’d be doing yourself a favor to rub moisturizer on your cheeks, then inward towards your nose, and then towards your forehead, chin, and lastly the outer portions of your cheeks.

One last note:  Avoid uneven application altogether by applying a small dot of moisturizer on your nose, forehead, chin, and on each cheek, to ensure even application!

I was surprised when I discovered that I too was guilty of doing this.  But it makes sense that the center of the face receives the most UV light and therefore ages the fastest – and would therefore benefit from more beneficial ingredient-concentrated moisturizer application!  🙂

Photo credits:
Girl sitting reading book looking surprised.

Originally uploaded by vinyl_word

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About Myself

Nicki Zevola is the founder and editor-in-chief of FutureDerm.com. Named one of the top 30 beauty bloggers in the world by Konector.com since 2009, Nicki

